I thought wellness just happened,
and then when it disappeared I started to discover how to regrow my health.
My wellness used to feel like the tallest sunflower. But after a period of burning up too much energy and lots of hospital visits, it felt like a ploughed field. I have discovered what wellness means to me, how I can achieve it and my passion to help
others achieve it whatever their circumstances.
My focus on your recovery
I will take time to discover your treatment goals, medical conditions and preferences for treatment. If you wish, bring your whole self (good days and bad days), as I have seen for myself how massage really affects more than our muscles.
I have a passion for massage to treat a range of health conditions. I believe in an evidenced based approach which has led me to explore trainings from what I believe to be the best training providers - whether they are based in eastern or western origins.
Many clients were coming to me needing help for the symptoms of fibromyalgia so I decided to learn more about this.
I recently discovered I have lipoedema and because of it have become fascinated by how the lymphatic system, so often overlooked, can be so crucial in our health and how manual lymphatic drainage massage can help a range of health conditions.
I've taught breathing exercises and a form of Indonesian self defence for women for more than 15 years and have travelled many times to Indonesia, this helped me appreciate the effectiveness of eastern massage and a desire to include it in my treatments.
I developed a love of nature early on and have a BSc (Hons) in Environmental Studies and have worked for a wildlife charity for 20 years. I play an active role in promoting workplace wellbeing and am a mental health first aider. I help run the Bedfordshire Red Tent Women's Circle.
My love of nature has lead me to doing lots of outdoor activities such as nordic walking and kayaking. And I try and incorporate natural therapies and sustainable products in my therapy work.
Professional registers and professional bodies
Member of Federation of Holistic Therapists (a register for massage therapists)
Member of CIMPSA (a register for exercise professionals)
Associate member/referral practitioner for The Chrysalis Effect (Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and ME)
Registered member of MLD UK and Lymphoedema Training Academy manual lymphatic drainage therapist registers
My qualifications:-
Lymphoedema & Manual Lymphatic Drainage & Scar therapy
Lymphoedema MLD for manual therapists (Lymphoedema Training Academy)
Scar massage therapy (Sharon Wheeler Scarwork with Emma Holl)
Oncology Scar Therapist (Restore Therapy)
Manual Lymphatic Massage (London School of Massage)
Brazilian manual lymphatic massage for post op (Monica Paslaru Method)
ME, CFS and Fibromyalgia
Foundation training programme in ME, CFS and fibromyalgia recovery (The Chrysalis Effect)
The Chrysalis Effect referral practitioner
Fibromyalgia and CFS Pathology Series (Jing Advanced Massage Training)
Complementary therapies to support clients with cancer
Jennifer Young Cancer Awareness
Level 3 Sports massage (Sports Therapy UK)
Tui na Chinese Acupressure massage (Maria Mercati)
Thai yoga massage (including Thai compress and Thai foot massage) (Louise Divine and Simon Piers Gall)
Foundation in Advanced Clinical Massage (Jing Institute of Massage & Complementary Medicine)
Deep tissue massage
Pregnancy massage
Indian head massage
Oriental hot stone massage
Warm bamboo massage
Level 3 Swedish massage
Level 2 Beauty Therapy including facial massage
Using pre-blended oils
Kinesiology taping (Rocktape UK)
Natural face lift massage & facial rejuvenation
Level 2 Gym instructor
Level 3 Personal trainer
Level 3 GP Exercise referral
Level 4 Exercise for lower back pain
Nordic walking instructor (British Nordic Walking & Nordic Walking UK)
Training to be a Pilates Instructor (2023)
First aid
Control of cross-infection in a post-covid 19 world (Jenifer Young)
Mental health first aid
Transgender Awareness
Neuro linguistic programming diploma